Is there a part of your psyche that you don’t really like? A part that you wish you didn’t have?

I have a part of me that’s a real perfectionist, constantly seeking a ‘complete’ understanding, overworking, and always striving to make sense of the world. I often find myself annoyed with this ‘part’ because there’s another aspect of me that yearns to be free, to venture outside, and to not work so much.

Connecting With The ‘Part’

Last week, in a beautiful coaching session, my coach and I decided to see if we could address this part of me. She told us she was exhausted from all the work. That she longed to do a good job, to be an OK person, to be acceptable, to be loved, and to be seen as worthwhile in order to exist. She felt she needed to prove her worth to avoid being a burden. And that’s why she behaved the way she behaved. Trying to prove her worth, to herself and others.

The Part That Longed for Freedom

My heart really melted. I could see her beauty, how hard she had been working for me, for love and affection. I listened to her, I sent her love, and I began to reassure her, allowing her to feel seen, understood, and safe. She felt so much better. She told us her divine purpose was to be free, to be carefree in nature, dancing in the open air, and experiencing the liberation of being truly present in the moment—a life beyond her responsibilities.

We Asked Her What She Needed

She said she needed to be reminded that she’s totally free; that fantasia can be here on earth, that imagination is the key to her freedom. She handed me a blue stone to remind me that there’s possibility everywhere. That life can be a fantasy; a fantastical adventure.

A Call to Explore the Depths Within?

By embracing the parts of you that have been neglected or misunderstood, we unlock the potential for healing, self-discovery, and liberation. We possess the keys to unlock our cages within us. We can be free.

Embracing the Journey Ahead

The connection and understanding I reached with this part of myself (who I named Audrey) didn’t just end with our session. It sparked a desire within me to keep this message of possibility and freedom alive in my life. To anchor this commitment, I decided to buy something that would remind me of this potential every day. Having a physical representation of this journey serves as a constant reminder of the boundless opportunities and the fantasy of life that is within my grasp.

Moreover, I recognise that this isn’t a one-time revelation but a practice that requires nurturing and attention. I am committed to taking care of this part of myself, allowing it to relax into the freedom it longs for. This means regularly checking in with myself, acknowledging my needs, and ensuring that I am leading with compassion and understanding. It’s about creating an internal environment where all parts of me feel valued and heard, allowing them to contribute their unique strengths in healthy ways.

Keeping the Promise Alive

This journey has taught me the importance of self-care and the power of internal dialogue. By promising to keep this awareness and practice alive, I am not just looking after a part of me that was once burdened by perfectionism and exhaustion; I am nurturing my entire being towards a state of freedom and fulfillment. It’s a reminder that with practice, patience, and compassion, we can guide ourselves towards a life where every part of us can thrive in harmony.

This narrative is more than just a personal testament; it’s an invitation to you, the reader, to explore the depths of your own inner world. It’s a call to discover and nurture the parts of yourself that have been waiting for recognition and to embark on a journey towards wholeness and liberation. Remember, the possibility for transformation lies within us all, waiting to be unlocked and embraced.