My ❤️ based values

  • I am a certified Life coach(MASC), Neuro-linguistic programming coach(ABNLP), Thought field therapist(ATFT & BTFTA), Hypnotherapist(ABH) and Time line therapist(TLTA). I have an Honours degree in Humanities with Philosophy (Ethics, Aesthetics, Metaphysics) and Music. Along with a diploma in health a social care. 
  • I have been a professional coach within the entertainment industry for 20 years providing Expressive Voicework and personal development coaching to creatives and those looking to express themselves more in the world.
  • I have a great interest in the human condition and it’s examination through modern art, music, embodiment practises, mindfulness and philosophy.
  • Whilst there may be therapeutic benefits to coaching, coaching is importantly not therapy. However, there are some shared ethics which include; total confidentiality and non-judgement.
  • I will always endeavour to encourage your self-confidence and autonomy and treat you with respect, care and dignity.
  • I will always be on your side, supporting you to be free, whatever that means for you. Through the ups and downs.
  • This is not short term, hot air, positive thinking type life coaching. It’s also not unpicking the fabric of your life, like years of therapy. The practises I share are about freeing and embracing all that you are. This work is about connecting with your true self.
  • I have total faith in you and your ability.
  • We will always respect whereever you’re at, and whether you need to go inwards or outwards we will always honour that.
  • As for me, I have high trait empathy, openness, creativity and as an ENFP, work really well with other empaths and ‘NF (intutive, feeling) types.
  • I’m highly energetic, playful, naughty and rebellious as well as deeply loving and caring.
  • I’ve made every mistake in the book and have carried huge shame throughout my life that has silenced me again and again and I’ve learned daily practises to help me.
  • I know the struggles of being a ‘good girl’, self sabotaging, perfectionism, never being good enough.
  • I live the self compassion work I now espouse, I have had to learn how to. To stay free and wild and in love with life.
  • This work truly lights me up. There’s nothing I would love more than to connect with you and support you to be free.

re you ready to follow your wild heart?

This is a journey into your dancing soul and out into the world. It’s a beautiful, non linear path. I will support you every step of the way.

This work is about self acceptance, radical love, wild heart freedom and your natural evolution.

You were born brilliant and beautiful and perfect. Let me help you reconnect with your aliveness and live without apology.

“Freedom is the oxygen of the soul”. Moshe Dayan