I believe there is an essence that unites all of life, and that essence is love and I’ve felt it. It’s a love that transcends time and space, capable of reaching you wherever you are. It is a love that does not judge but accepts everything. It does not demand but offers itself freely. It’s not something we need to earn or prove ourselves worthy of receiving. This love is the silent strength that empowers us, and the basis of all healing, and the infinite space that allows us to grow.

Cultivating Connection

This understanding of mine was nurtured through meditation, through connecting with my body, through quietening my mind. Meditation was the gateway then opened me to universal love. The inner peace, the sense of belonging, and the overwhelming feeling of being supported and loved unconditionally.

The Path to Realisation

To truly grasp the magnitude of this love, one must ‘put oneself in the way of’ it, through meditation, through being in nature, through simply sitting in silence. These practices help to peel away the layers revealing the truth within the space. This is where we find the depth within ourselves. And I know how this may all sound.

I Want Proof

Although this all sounds quite abstract, I find proof everywhere. Within the practises above but also in the majesty of the ocean, the simple lives of nature’s creatures, every sunrise, every blooming flower, and every raindrop bear testament to this love. Through acts of kindness, our growth through adversity, the miracle of existence itself; the complexity of DNA, the miracle of consciousness, and the beauty of human connection all reflect the universe’s love. Through feelings of peace and connection, through artistic expression and creativity.

A Personal Journey

You have the ability to tune your heart to this divine love. To open yourself to the beauty of existence and the infinite possibilities that life offers. We learn to see ourselves and each other through the eyes of the divine – with compassion, grace, and a deep, unending love. So, to you reading this: remember that you are deeply loved by the universe, in every moment and with every breath. May this knowledge comfort you, guide you, and illuminate your path.