In an era where perfectionism often dictates our self-worth, it’s refreshing and indeed necessary to remember the intrinsic value of simply being human. This journey we’re on is about understanding, accepting, and loving ourselves in our entirety. It’s about recognising that it’s not only okay to be exactly as we are—with our quirks, emotions, and thoughts—but it’s also a sign of health and authenticity.

The title of a beautiful book comes to mind “I’m OK, You’re OK” by Thomas Harris (encouraging a perspective of mutual respect and validation), I just love the title. It encourages compassion and empathy, making it a powerful reminder of the basic yet profound principle that we are all fundamentally okay, just as we are.

It’s Healthy to Feel

At the heart of our existence is the capacity to experience a wide spectrum of emotions, from profound joy to deep sadness. Embracing this ability is the cornerstone of our humanity. It’s healthy to allow ourselves to feel how we feel, without judgement or censorship. In doing so, we navigate through life more authentically, paving the way for genuine connections with others and with ourselves.

Love as a Path Through

Love is a powerful tool in our arsenal for dealing with life’s challenges. It’s through love—self-love, to be precise—that we can truly accept ourselves as we are. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t aspire to grow or improve, but rather that we acknowledge and appreciate our current state, understanding that it is part of our journey. When we love ourselves, we give ourselves permission to be our true selves, with all our imperfections and strengths.

The Role of Resistance

We can learn to welcome resistance and stress and discomfort as a natural, and beneficial part of life. It strengthens us, both physically and emotionally, teaching us resilience and determination, evolving it’s opposite. When we face resistance with acceptance and self-love, we transform it into a tool for personal growth. We are continually letting go of layers, evolving.

Wild and Free

To be truly free is to live authentically, embracing our wild, untamed selves without apology. This freedom comes from a place of total acceptance—of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. It’s about allowing ourselves to mess up, to feel angry, and to be imperfect. This acceptance is liberating, for it removes the heavy burden of self-criticism and opens us up to the fullness of life.

Joy in Non-Resistance

Making peace with our inner world is a profound form of non-resistance. When we stop fighting against our thoughts and emotions, we enter a state of flow, where what was once a source of distress can transform into joy. This is not to say that the path is always easy, but rather that there is beauty and freedom in surrender. By embracing our nature as overthinkers, as feelers, as humans, we find a deep and abiding joy in simply being. And when we don’t embrace it, that’s ok too, it’s natural, human, embrace the non-embracing.

The Normalcy of Our Responses

One of the most liberating realisations one can have is that there is no “right” way to feel or react. The response you’re having is the normal response for you. In understanding this, we give ourselves permission to be who we are, in all our complexity. This permission is a form of self-love and acceptance that fosters inner peace and freedom.


In a world that often demands conformity and perfection, embracing our humanity is a radical act of self-love. It is a declaration that we are enough, just as we are. By accepting our emotions, our thoughts, and our selves, we step into a space of true freedom. Let us celebrate our humanity, with all its messiness and beauty, and in doing so, find joy in the very act of living.