It’s so easy for life to become a chorus of “shoulds” (from both ourselves and others). These ‘shoulds’ can often drown out the soft whispers of our own desires and needs. Leaving us with the quiet longing to get our life back, reclaim our soul and rediscover what truly resonates with us.

The Path to Self-Awareness

Self-awareness involves peeling back the layers of external influences and getting to the core of one’s true self. The myriad of voices and opinions that seek to guide us are not us. Others create the ‘shoulds’ then we are the ones who repeatedly impose them. But our journeys are about learning to discern between what is imposed and what genuinely aligns with our personal values and aspirations.

Courage to Reclaim What’s Ours

Taking back our souls requires courage. It takes bravery to stand firm in the face of opposition and the resilience to weather the storm of doubt. It’s about asserting our rights to choose our path, acknowledging that the only approval we need is our own. This journey of self-discovery empowers us to set boundaries, to say no when something doesn’t align with our inner truth, and to pursue the things that bring us genuine joy and fulfilment.

  • Cultivate self-awareness through journaling, meditation, and connecting with feelings and needs.
  • Identify and challenge the “shoulds.”
  • Set boundaries – learn to say no and prioritize your needs.
  • Pursue what brings you joy.
  • Seek support from someone who will celebrate your successes.

Facing Challenges Head-On

This path is not devoid of challenges. It involves confronting uncomfortable truths and questioning long-held beliefs. It necessitates a willingness to embrace change and the unknown. Yet, it is through this process of self-reflection and introspection that we can truly connect with our souls. It’s a journey that teaches us to trust in my intuition, to listen to the quiet voice within that knows what’s right for us, even when the world around us seems to be shouting otherwise.

Conclusion: Embracing Authenticity and Purpose

In conclusion, taking back our souls is an ongoing journey of self-awareness, resilience, and empowerment. It’s a testament to the belief that the most profound guidance comes from within. By committing to check in with ourselves regularly, we navigate life’s journey with a sense of authenticity and purpose. This process is not about eschewing the advice and input of others but about learning to balance it with our own inner wisdom. In doing so, we not only reclaim our souls but also chart a course that is uniquely our own, filled with genuine happiness and self-fulfilment.

We are never there, always learning and growing….