We’re all scared of being shamed. It’s like we’re hardwired to fear the judgment and disapproval from those around us. This fear can be crippling, making us want to vanish, to completely reinvent ourselves. But when it comes down to it, the question we should be asking ourselves is, “So what?”

This Isn’t About Losing Your Morals

I’m not suggesting we lose all sense of empathy or moral compass, becoming indifferent to the world around us. Far from it. What I’m advocating for is just a slice of American drag queen RuPaul’s legendary confidence. We need to stop being so scared of making mistakes and being seen as fallible. After all, it’s what makes us human.

The Cult of Perfectionism

Our society is obsessed with perfection. This obsession is harmful. It makes us unhappy and builds a prison of shame around us. We make one mistake, and we’re suddenly terrified of making another. So, we hide. We pretend to be something we’re not. But what if we didn’t?

Channeling RuPaul’s Fearlessness

RuPaul teaches us something invaluable: own your flaws. Face the world not just with confidence but with a rightful place in it. Stop hiding, to stop fearing shame, and to start living.

So What If You Fall?

Every time you’re scared to act because you might be judged, every time you’re petrified some unsavoury behaviour/act/past misdemeanour will come to light remember to ask yourself, “So what?” If you fall, get back up. If people judge, let them. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see you for who you really are. It’s your life, your mistakes, and your lessons.

Embrace the Boldness

Living fearlessly means accepting that you will be judged but choosing not to let that stop you. It’s about embracing your flaws and understanding that they contribute to your strength. It takes time to learn an unshakable sense of self-worth. It does not make you like the people you don’t like, it’s not about hurting others, it’s about loving yourself.

Wear Your Flaws Like Armour

It’s time to celebrate our humanity, not hide from it. Be proud of who you are, flaws and all. The only approval you should ever worry about is your own. So, let’s be bolder, let’s be braver. Let’s live our lives with the courage to say, “So what?” and mean it.