Trusting in the moment requires courage, a testament to one’s faith in life. Contrary to what we are taught, which emphasises planning and control, this approach often leaves us feeling anything but free. Yet, we all recall moments of genuine freedom, spontaneity, and profound connection to the present.

The Illusion of Control

We live in a society that lauds the masculine energies of action, planning, and structure. These forces drive us to map out our lives with meticulous detail, believing that through careful planning, we can shield ourselves from the unpredictability and chaos of the world. However, it is often the most beautiful experiences that arise from the unexpected, making us feel truly alive.

The Courage to Trust

Choosing to trust in the moment is not always easy. It may require a conscious effort to love, listen to, and reassure the inner planner, who tries so hard to keep us safe. Reassuring it that we will be able to handle whatever arises.

The Freedom of Spontaneity

There is so much freedom in embracing spontaneity. Leading to chance encounters, unexpected discoveries, and moments of joy that no amount of planning could have orchestrated.

The Strength in Surrender

Trusting in the moment is not about relinquishing all control or abandoning caution. Rather, it is a delicate dance of knowing when to plan and when to let go, recognising that our strength lies not in our ability to predict the future but in our capacity to adapt, to embrace the unknown with open arms.

It requires a deep belief in our own resilience, an understanding that we are equipped to face whatever comes our way. This trust is not naive; it is a choice, a conscious decision to believe in the richness of the unplanned, the beauty of the spontaneous.

Trust in Surrender

I love trusting in the moment, at work, at play; it makes me feel more alive. It is a lesson I carry with me, a reminder that sometimes, the most profound experiences await in the moment.