From childhood, we are told “Do your work, then you get to play.” “You must work hard to do well in life”. “A star*” This seemingly simple guidance forms the backbone of a work ethic many of us carry into adulthood. Great, but when does the work truly finish? For a perfectionist like myself, this question doesn’t just hover; it looms large. It’s easy to always put work first, believing in the promise of leisure and life that supposedly follows. But it shrinks our soul, it’s like a death sentence to our spirits.

The Cages We Build

We must live our lives in the present, for the present moment is all we truly have. So, why don’t we? The answer is complex, rooted in our conditioning, our internalised beliefs that limit us (such as the notion that worth is tied to productivity), societal expectations, the desire to remain within our comfort zones, and the imaginary cages we convince ourselves exist around us.

Stepping into the Energy of Living

Acknowledging that life is happening right now is the first step towards embracing it. The second step is understanding what we truly need to live. The answer is probably a whole lot less than we think. Here are ways to step into the energy of living, to embrace life before the work is “done”:

  1. Define Your Essentials: What do you truly need for a fulfilling life? Often, it’s not material wealth or career milestones, but connections, experiences, and moments of joy.
  2. Set Boundaries Around Work: Work, especially for perfectionists, can expand to fill every waking moment. Setting clear boundaries around work time and personal time can help reclaim moments for living.
  3. Embrace ‘Good enough’ & Achievable Goals: Perfection is an illusion, a horizon that recedes as you approach it. Embracing imperfection allows us to accept and celebrate progress, making room for life in the here and now.
  4. Cultivate Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices help anchor us in the present, teaching us to appreciate the richness of the moment rather than constantly deferring life to a future that may never come.
  5. Simplify Your Life: A cluttered life can distract from what’s truly important. Decluttering, streamline your commitments, reducing consumption, this will free up time and energy for what truly matters.
  6. Seek Joy in the Everyday: Joy doesn’t have to be reserved for post-work hours. Find small ways to incorporate joy into your daily life.
  7. Connect with Others: Human connection is a profound source of joy and fulfillment. Make time for relationships, and be present in these interactions. The energy of living is most vibrant when shared.


The work will never be done. But life is waiting for you to grab it right now.