In a world that has for centuries said that women should be quiet, pretty, and small, there thrums an ancient beat, deep within our souls. This rhythm, a primal dance of fire and spirit, echoes the ancient songs of Earth, reminding us of who we truly are. Our primal selves are equally passionate, erotic, emotional, destructive. And we can not deny this. In fact some people call this the ‘dark (less acknowledged) feminine’*.

The Pulse of Passion

When connected with nature, barefoot on the earth, we feel a surge of aliveness. Every step, every sensation, serves as a grounding reminder that our souls are intricately woven with nature’s raw and wild tapestry. This isn’t merely a transient feeling—it’s a beckoning back to our most innate selves. We are all deeply passionate.

Tales and Truths

The tales society weaves ask us to fit neatly within its confines, to dim the light that makes us shine brightest. But adhering to these stifling tales only alienates us from our true nature. When I become dissociated from this primal essence, I smoke, I drink, and torment myself with cruel thoughts. But in my heart, there’s a desire to break free, to be wild, and to embrace the untamed.

Our Wild Essence

Our sensuality, eroticism, and yearnings are not just potent; they are our birthright. They are the compass by which we navigate our world. We are allowed, nay, destined, to experience authentic emotions, to be wild, to be destructive. In the mesmerising dance of destruction and creation, new life emerges from chaos.

Yet, society often attempts to shackle our spirits, suggesting that certain desires and emotions should remain hidden. But to disconnect from this wild self is to disconnect from life itself. So let’s embrace with love this part of ourselves as part of our whole.

A Rallying Cry

To every soul reading this: validate your feelings, immerse yourself in nature, turn off the clock/the screen, give yourself this, honour your body, love your shadows, challenge societal norms, express yourself freely. Seek guidance from those who walk this path.

Forever wild at heart.


*Please note; the terms “woman,” “Yin,” “Shakti,” and “feminine” are being used in a context that transcends traditional gender definitions. Instead they depict energies, qualities, or archetypal concepts, please interpret the information in a way that resonates with your own personal understanding.