ebel Heart Blog

This is a blog about being open to life, to thoughts, to joy, to pain, to desires. To loving it all. That's where we find peace.....love is the door. There are no external answers, all answers are within. This blog is my own guidance, our work together will help you hear your own.

Know Thyself: Self-Acceptance & Myers Briggs

Sometimes, when we delve into personality types—like my own, an ENFP—it’s easy to fear the notion of being boxed in. But truly knowing yourself is not about limiting who you are; rather, it’s about embracing your full self, quirks and all. Let’s explore why understanding our Myers-Briggs type can be both liberating and life-enhancing. The […]

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Confidence is Self Championing

True self championing is about celebrating both the peaks and the valleys of our lives. I wish to advocate for the courage to be imperfect, the boldness to stand up for oneself, and the resilience to bounce back. Here, we explore the dimensions of self-championing that inspire us to lead lives of passion, integrity, and […]

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“I Can Be Cruel”

Humans are complex creatures. We have the capacity for immense kindness and compassion, yet, paradoxically, we can also exhibit cruelty and harshness. The song “I Can Be Cruel” by Tori Amos encapsulates this dichotomy, reminding us that acknowledging our darker sides is not an endorsement of them but rather an acceptance of our full selves. […]

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Understanding the Mutual Balance of Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are an essential component of any healthy relationship. They help define where one person ends and the other begins, ensuring that each person’s needs and comforts are respected and met. However, it’s crucial to remember that boundaries aren’t just rules set by one person; they need to be mutually agreed upon, fair, and considerate […]

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Are You Playing the ‘Damsel in Distress’?

Reflecting on my own behaviours and the expectations I set in daily life has cracked open a stark realisation about the ‘damsel in distress’ archetype’s role in the modern world. It’s far from the dramatic rescues of old tales, focusing instead on the subtler demands of wanting others to handle the discomforts and duties of […]

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So What? The Bold Call to Face Shame Head-On

We’re all scared of being shamed. It’s like we’re hardwired to fear the judgment and disapproval from those around us. This fear can be crippling, making us want to vanish, to completely reinvent ourselves. But when it comes down to it, the question we should be asking ourselves is, “So what?” This Isn’t About Losing […]

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Keeping ‘Child-Like’ Dreams Alive in Adulthood

Life is a journey of evolving dreams. A constant navigation between the youthful aspirations fueled by cinematic tales of grandeur and the pragmatic embrace of adulthood’s realities. The stark contrast between Tom Cruise’s ‘Cocktail’ dreams of “owning the city” and the acceptance of life’s simpler pleasures; fluorescent bikinis and big tasty salads, symbolises a universal […]

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The Consequences of Boundary Overstepping

Boundaries help define who we are and allow us to feel safe in our relationships. But what happens when these lines are crossed? The consequences can be far-reaching, affecting our mental health, relationships, and self-esteem. The Necessity of Consequences All humans push boundaries if not met with clear repercussions. It’s crucial, therefore, that we establish […]

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